
Chromatic CREChromatic CRE is a selective and differential chromogenic medium used for the qualitative and presum...VIEW
Pipette TipsMyTip® Pipette Tips are the perfect choice for any lab. Ensure your results are stable and reliable ...VIEW
Pipette MaT Macro TipsMyTip® Pipette Tips are the perfect choice for any lab. Ensure your results are stable and reliable ...VIEW
Pipette Low Retention Filter TipsMyTip® Pipette Tips are the perfect choice for any lab. Ensure your results are stable and reliable ...VIEW
Pipette Low Retention TipsMyTip® Pipette Tips are the perfect choice for any lab. Ensure your results are stable and reliable ...VIEW
Pipette Filter TipsMyTip® Pipette Tips are the perfect choice for any lab. Ensure your results are stable and reliable ...VIEW
Rapid Veterinary TestsRapid Veterinary Tests include:√ FIV - Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Antigen √ FeLV - Feline Leukem...VIEW
Chromogenic Culture MediaChromogenic medium for the preliminary identification and susceptibility testing of bacteria directl...VIEW
MTS™ for ANTIMICROBIAL susceptibility testingMTS™ (MIC Test Strips) are porous strips with special features (International Patent) that are impre...VIEW
MTS™ for ANTIFUNGAL susceptibility testingMTS™ (MIC Test Strips) are porous strips with special features (International Patent) that are impre...VIEW
MTS™ MBL for detection of Metallo Beta-LactamaseMTS™ (MIC Test Strips) are porous strips with special features (International Patent) that are impre...VIEW
MTS™ ESBL for confirmation of Extended Spectrum Beta-LactamaseMTS™ (MIC Test Strips) are porous strips with special features (International Patent) that are impre...VIEW
MTS™ for ANTIMYCOBACTERIAL susceptibility testingMTS™ (MIC Test Strips) are porous strips with special features (International Patent) that are impre...VIEW
MTS™ for KPC detectionMTS™ (MIC Test Strips) are porous strips with special features (International Patent) that are impre...VIEW
MTS™ for AmpC detectionMTS™ (MIC Test Strips) are porous strips with special features (International Patent) that are impre...VIEW
MTS™ GRD for detection of Glycopeptide ResistanceMTS™ (MIC Test Strips) are porous strips with special features (International Patent) that are impre...VIEW
MTS™ Synergy Application SystemMTS-SAS combines the reliability of MIC Test Strip with patented tools to facilitate and standardize...VIEW
Ready to use culture media for ASTMTS™ (MIC Test Strips) are porous strips with special features (International Patent) that are impre...VIEW
Antibiotic DiscAntibiotic Disc are paper discs with special features, that are impregnated with antibiotic and used...VIEW
Antifungal DiscAntibiotic Disc are paper discs with special features, that are impregnated with antibiotic and used...VIEW
Antibiotic discs in cartridges for Veterinary useAntibiotic Disc are paper discs with special features, that are impregnated with antibiotic and used...VIEW
Antibiotic disc kits for antimicrobial resistance detectionAntibiotic Disc are paper discs with special features, that are impregnated with antibiotic and used...VIEW
Multodiscs with eight antibioticsMULTODISCS are rings of absorbent paper with eight arms, each terminating in a 6 mm disc impregnated...VIEW
AST accessoriesAccessories for susceptibility testing: disc dispenser, densitometerVIEW
Ready culture media in 55 mm contact plateMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
Ready culture media in 60 mm petri dishesMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
Easy Dry MediaMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
Media for susceptibility testing of mycobacteriaMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
Ready BagsMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
Ready culture media in petri dishes, tubes and bottlesMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
Haemoculture bottlesMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
GASPAKMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
Ready culture media in petri dishes with two sectorsMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
Ready culture media in petri dishes with three sectorsMEDSON Products for Ready to use culture media including: Chromogenic culture media,Ready culture me...VIEW
System for ID and AST (Clinical Specimens)Systems and Reagents for Microbial Identification and AST including: Systems for ID and AST directly...VIEW
Systems for ASTSystems and Reagents for Microbial Identification and AST including: Systems for ID and AST directly...VIEW
Systems for ID and ASTSystems and Reagents for Microbial Identification and AST including: Systems for ID and AST directly...VIEW
Systems for IDSystems and Reagents for Microbial Identification and AST including: Systems for ID and AST directly...VIEW
Accessories and Reagent KitsSystems and Reagents for Microbial Identification and AST including: Systems for ID and AST directly...VIEW
Tests for microbial identificationSystems and Reagents for Microbial Identification and AST including: Systems for ID and AST directly...VIEW
Microbial staining and fixativesSystems and Reagents for Microbial Identification and AST including: Systems for ID and AST directly...VIEW
Rapid test for Sugar FermentationSystems and Reagents for Microbial Identification and AST including: Systems for ID and AST directly...VIEW
Systems for Microbial IdentificationSystems for microbial identification directly from food and surfacesVIEW
Pesticide Residue DetectionPesticide residue detection in water, food, and drinksVIEW
Surface swabs for Microbial DetectionSurface swabs for Microbial DetectionVIEW
Swabs for Organic Residues DetectionSwabs for Organic Residues DetectionVIEW
Coliforms in water testingColiforms in water testingVIEW
Antibiotic Residue DetectionAntibiotic Residue DetectionVIEW
Swabs▌Swabs w/ and w/o transport mediumVIEW
Easy Surface CheckingEasy Surface Checking, sample collection, with or without transport mediumVIEW
Screening of Urinary InfectionMEDSON Products for Dip–Slide including: Dip–Slide for the screening of urinary infection, Dip–Slide...VIEW
Screening of Urogenital InfectionMEDSON Products for Dip–Slide including: Dip–Slide for the screening of urinary infection, Dip–Slide...VIEW
Screening of Dermatological InfectionMEDSON Products for Dip–Slide including: Dip–Slide for the screening of urinary infection, Dip–Slide...VIEW
Flexible contact slideMEDSON Products for Dip–Slide including: Dip–Slide for the screening of urinary infection, Dip–Slide...VIEW
CultiControl™CultiControl™ Freeze-Dried MicroorganismsVIEW
Quanti-CultiControl™Quanti-CultiControl™ Freeze-Dried MicroorganismsVIEW
Steam SterilizationMEDSON Products for Biological indicators including: Steam Sterilization, Irradiation Sterilization,...VIEW
Dry Heat or Ethylene Oxide SterilizationMEDSON Products for Biological indicators including: Steam Sterilization, Irradiation Sterilization,...VIEW
Irradiation SterilizationMEDSON Products for Biological indicators including: Steam Sterilization, Irradiation Sterilization,...VIEW
Hydrogen Peroxide SterilizationMEDSON Products for Biological indicators including: Steam Sterilization, Irradiation Sterilization,...VIEW
Dehydrated culture mediaMEDSON Products for Dehydrated culture media including: Dehydrated culture media, Ingredients for cu...VIEW
Ingredients for Culture MediaMEDSON Products for Dehydrated culture media including: Dehydrated culture media, Ingredients for cu...VIEW
Saline Solutions and Sputum TreatmentMEDSON Products for Dehydrated culture media including: Dehydrated culture media, Ingredients for cu...VIEW
Liquid SupplementsMEDSON Products for Dehydrated culture media including: Dehydrated culture media, Ingredients for cu...VIEW
Animal Blood DerivatesMEDSON Products for Dehydrated culture media including: Dehydrated culture media, Ingredients for cu...VIEW
Selective and Growth SupplementsMEDSON Products for Dehydrated culture media including: Dehydrated culture media, Ingredients for cu...VIEW
Radial Immune Diffusion platesMEDSON Products for IMMUNOLOGY including: Radial Immune Diffusion plate, Incubators, Air sampler, Ra...VIEW