Air sampler
The SAS Super IAQ air sampler suits the following fields of application:
FOOD AND FEED INDUSTRY: The Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and the food hygiene rules call for the microbial monitoring of products and of the air and surfaces in the manufacturing environments to prevent food spoilage from pathogenic bacteria.
INDOOR AIR QUALITY: to help improve operating and working areas through consistent monitoring, to study in detail Sick Building Syndrome and to inspect the heating and air conditioning appliances (Hivac) both in public and industrial premises. A good example is the detection of Legionella.
OUTDOOR CONTROLS: the SAS Super IAQ is especially suited for outdoor sampling as well as at sewage treatment plants.
PUBLIC HEALTH: to increase the standard of microbiological quality of both working and community areas by routine controls and by identifying contamination hot spots.
HACCP: the airborne pollution might affect some perishable products, as well as food, at their different manufacturing stages. The SAS Super IAQ allows the monitoring of the “critical” points to prevent spoilage and contamination.
DISINFECTION EFFICIENCY CONTROL: The SAS Super IAQ can be used to check the efficiency of the environmental disinfection, sampling the air after and before any treatments.