MIC Test Strips
MTS™ is a quantitative assay for determining the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of antimicrobial agents against microorganisms and for detecting the resistance mechanisms. MTS™ are paper strips with special features* that are impregnated with a predefifined concentration gradient of antibiotic, across 15 two-fold dilutions of a conventional MIC method. On one side of the strip is indicated a MIC scale in μg/mL and a code that identify the antimicrobial agent. For ESBL (Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase) and MBL (Metallo Beta Lactamase) detection, the double-sided gradient carries the appropriate diagnostic reagents.
MTS™ are available in a large variety of confifigurations. Each confifiguration is available in packages of 10, 30 and 100 tests.
When the MTS™ is applied onto an inoculated agar surface, the preformed exponential gradient of antimicrobial agent is transferred to the agar matrix.
After 18 hours incubation or longer, a symmetrical inhibition ellipse centered along the strip is formed. The MIC is read directly from the scale in terms of μg/mL at the point where the edge of the inhibition ellipse intersects the strip MTS™.
Other growth/inhibition patterns may also be seen for resistance detection methods.